PF Softstarter F38 Hall ID Fault
PF softstarter has an F38 Hall ID fault. This may occur when power pole or control module components are replaced in the field.
Possible Causes
Cause 1: The PF control module is not connected to the PF power structure.
Cause 2: Pins 6 and 8 on each of the TB2, TB3, or TB4 connectors are not plugged into the control board or are not the same resistance. Pictures and locations of the TB2, TB3, and TB4 connections are shown in publication PCS/PF Softstarter Renewal Part Instructions.
Cause 3: A Broken Wire or Broken Pin in one of the TB2, TB3 or TB4 connectors.
Cause 4: An incorrect or wrong power module is installed in the PF soft starter.
Solution 1: Connect the PF control module to the power structure
Solution 2: Follow these steps
- Check connectors labeled TB2, TB3, and TB4 for secure wires in positions 6 and 8 of each connector. To locate pins 6 and 8, see the picture below.

Refer to the arrow engraved on the connector for pin 1 designator
2. Remove the TB2, TB3, TB4 connectors from the control module.
3. Measure resistance between pins 6 and 8 on each TB2, TB3 and TB4 connector. All readings should be the same value under normal conditions. For example, the three TB connector resistance readings from a PF 625A soft starter should be very close to a reading of 1.24k Ohms. Other PF frame sizes will have higher resistance readings but all three resistance readings should the same or be very close. Resistance reading of 0 ohms, infinite or high resistance or an open will indicate an incorrect or abnormal value.
4. If the resistance readings are not the same, verify the installed power pole part numbers are the same part number. If the resistance readings are the same, replace the PF Control Module.
Solution 3: If there is a broken pin or wire in any of the TB2, TB3 or TB4 connectors, the wiring harness cable with connector will need to be replaced. There is no repair part number available for the wiring harness cable but it can supplied upon request by contacting Sprecher + Schuh Technical Support.
Solution 4: The Hall ID check indicates the installed power pole current ratings are not correct for the complete PF assembly. This check is designed to prevent a smaller amperage rated power pole from being accidentally installed in a larger amperage rated PF soft starter.
This check does not verify the correct power pole voltage rating (i.e.. 600 volt power pole or a 200 to 480 volt power pole). For example, a 480V rated power pole can be substituted or replaced with a 600V rated power pole, as long as the power amperage is the same for all three power poles that are connected to the PF control module. As long as the replacement power pole is the same current rating then you should not get a Hall ID fault. Changing from a 480V to 600V power pole, same amperage, only changes the maximum voltage rating of the SCR's embedded in the power pole.
For additional information please contact your nearest authorized distributor, sales representative, or call our customer service or technical support lines.