Inrush Current For 24V LED Bulbs / Sound Modules / Strobe Lights Used In WTL50 & WTL70 Series C Devices
What are the Inrush currents for 24V LED bulbs / sound modules /strobe lights used in WTL50 and WTL70 series C devices?
The inrush current of the 24V LED bulbs (steady or flashing) is zero (there is no capacitor which would take an inrush current).
See the attachment at the bottom of this technote or the info below:

- The middle graph above for the WTL 70 BR SLF, SFD devices is for 24V DC. No 24V AC inrush data available (it could be higher or lower depending on where in the sine wave the switching occurs).
- The WTL 50-*-*-24-AS and WTL 50-*-*-24-AD sounders were modified in 2016 to reduce inrush current. Both now have inrush levels of 1.8A at 24V DC. The SA3 module has reduced inrush beginning in September 2016 (date code JC) and the SDE module has reduced inrush beginning in October 2016 (date code KC)
- No graph is available for the SLF Strobe module. The inrush on the WTL 50-*-*-24-B strobe is 5.8A, dropping under the 2A threshold in about 350uS.
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