Terminal Markings On Built In CA7 Contactor Auxiliaries
What are the terminal markings for the built-in auxiliary contacts on CA7-9 thru 23 contactors?
Series CA7 contactors in amperages 9 thru 23 have built-in auxiliary contacts in either the Normally Open (-10-) or the Normally Closed (-01-) configurations. These contacts are located to the far right side of the contactors, and are sometimes mistaken for a fourth pole. Since these contacts are built into the contactor, designers often specify the terminals for control wires on assembly drawings. The terminal markings for the normally open auxiliary contacts are 13-14. The terminal markings for the normally closed auxiliary contacts are 21-22, as shown below.

Larger series CA7 contactors, from 30 to 97 amps, incorporate externally added auxiliary contacts. The terminal marking numbers for the top mount and side mount auxiliaries are located in the accessories section of the Sprecher + Schuh catalog.
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